Performance appearance /パフォーマンス出演
Gedicht einer Zelle / Poem of a Cell — 2017
Sound- and 3-Channel-Video Installation
by Stefan Winter
Over the 2016-2017 year.
I performed as the main character "Woman" in Stefan Winter's work "POEM OF A CELL", which combines music and video.
I performed as the main character "Woman" in Stefan Winter's work "POEM OF A CELL", which combines music and video.
Stefan Winterの音楽と映像を組み合わせた空間作品「Poem of a Cell 』メインキャラクターの『女』として出演。
Stefan Winterの音楽と映像を組み合わせた空間作品「Poem of a Cell 』メインキャラクターの『女』として出演。
Munich Germany Aug.2016
Africa Zanzibar Sep.2016
Italy Feb.2017
Photo:Gedicht einer Zelle (Poem of a Cell) by Stefan Winter © Winter&Winter
Director of photography: Gernot Aschoffsupported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes,
Kunststiftung NRW, Donostia Kultura San Sebastian, Musique de Nuit Bordeaux, Kulturreferat
der Stadt München, Verein Ausstellungshaus für christliche Kunst e.V., Stiftung Burghardt/Kagel/
courtesy of Jicho Communicative, Zanzibar.
Director of photography: Gernot Aschoffsupported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes,
Kunststiftung NRW, Donostia Kultura San Sebastian, Musique de Nuit Bordeaux, Kulturreferat
der Stadt München, Verein Ausstellungshaus für christliche Kunst e.V., Stiftung Burghardt/Kagel/
courtesy of Jicho Communicative, Zanzibar.