"Beyond the Dialog"/ An art project by Lucia Bartl (photography) and Noriko Mazda Kura (performance).
Beyond the Dialogeは Lucia Bartl (写真家)とNoriko Mazda Kura(パフォーマンス)によるアートプロジェクト。
Lucia Bartl Webseite :

“Energy is passed on, accumulated and changed.
People, land, things, it's all the same.
The land and the things want to tell their own stories.
We are in dialogue with this invisible energy.“

Kura と Bartlは、ビデオ/写真作品とインスタレーション「Beyond the dialogue」で、まったく相反する場所を繋いでいます。接続する要素は、「しめ縄」をイメージした長い布です。日本では、「しめ縄」は地上と神とのつながりを表しています。シャーマニックなオブジェとして、マツダ・クラはこのシンボルを過去と現在をつなぐ要素として使用し、言葉が届かなくなった場所でも対話を続ける「紡ぐ」ことを表現しています。

Noriko Mazda Kura and Lucia Bartl connect with the very contrary places in their 
video/photo work and installation 'Beyond the dialogue'. 
The connecting element is a long piece of cloth, inspired by a "Shimenawa".
 In Japan it represents the connection between the earthly and the divine. 
As a shamanic object, Mazda Kura uses this symbol as a connecting element between the past and the present, "weaving" a dialogue that continues where words no longer reach.
This connection is made clear in the image of the cemetery and the desolate parking lot in front of a burned down industrial hall. 
The two artists show that despite death and destruction, the energy transforms and the place can connect with us. With song, dance and colors of Mazda Kura's performance and Bartl's aesthetic gaze, it gives life back to the sites and finds in the circle the symbol of transformation in the cycle of energy. 

 2021 - 2022  Art Projekt 

Performance: Kura Photo/video: Lucia Bartl

Hamburg, near the Atelier rothenburgsort  Dec.2021
August 2021, Hamburg Ohlsdorf 

Hamburg,July 2021

Mai 2021

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